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Гватемала / Guatemala

Армейский снайпер
Армейский снайпер. Francotirador Sniper Military Army GUATEMALA Patch.
FRANCOTIRADOR CAYOEK. Patch from the «KAIBIL» SPECIAL OPERATIONS TRAINING CENTER IN POPTUN PETEN — 1 PATCH OF FRANCOTIRADOR CAYOEK 1989 YEAR FUERZAS ESPECIALES (SPECIAL FORCES) THIS COMMANDO TRAINING CENTER WAS CREATED TO COMBAT THE INTERNAL CONFLICT OF THE 30 YEAR CIVIL WAR WITH GUERILLAS. The Kaibiles (singular: Kaibil) are a special operations force of the Military of Guatemala. They specialize in jungle warfare tactics and counter-insurgency operations. The corps’ soldiers are distinguished from regular troops by maroon berets with patches bearing a blazing sword. Its motto is: «If I Advance, follow me. If I stop,Grab me, If I Retreat, kill me.» History On 5 December 1974, Guatemala’s military government created its Commando School (Escuela de Comandos). Three months later, on 5 March 1975, it renamed it the Kaibil Special Operations Training Centre (Centro de Adiestramiento y Operaciones Especiales Kaibil). The name «Kaibil» is derived from Kayb’il B’alam (Kaibil Balam), a Mam indigenous leader who evaded capture by the Spanish conquistadors under Pedro de Alvarado. Initially, the Kaibil Centre was located on two estates, El Infierno («Hell») and La Pуlvora («Gunpowder») in the municipality of Melchor de Mencos, Petйn department. On 12 January 1989, it was moved to the former headquarters of Military Zone 23, in Poptъn, Petйn. Training According to the Ministry of Defence, the Kaibil Centre’s mission is to train and develop elite commando forces: «To select, by means of arduous, difficult training under physical and mental pressure, members of the army capable of engaging in commando operations.» The Kaibiles are infamous for their practice of forcing recruits to bite the heads off live chickens for survival practices. . UN Peacekeeping Missions Currently there are Kaibiles stationed in the Democratic Republic of the Congo as part of the United Nations MONUC peace-keeping force. On 23 January 2006, eight Kaibiles were killed and five others were wounded during an ambush by guerrillas in Congo’s Garamba National Park. They were on a botched secret mission to try to capture or kill Vincent Otti, the deputy commander of Uganda’s notorious Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA). This operation intelligence was handled by Brits and US Special Operations Forces from the Air. The group of 85 Kaibiles were ambushed by a group of 150 Rebels. The gun fight lasted for 5 hours and this was the time it took for a rescue missions to get there and get them out. 70 Rebels were killed and 30 were considered wounded on the biggest hit to a LRA since the UN forces are in Congo. The was was so bloody that they run out of ammo and had to engage in close combat fighting with knifes, 8 Kaibiles were killed in this mission. Check it out in the internet. Some in the Sp ops community considered the Kaibiles, to be amongst the best trained soldiers in jungle warfare in the world (a third world nation’s spec ops ranks amongst the best worldwide) as well as for their extra rugged (and sometimes plain disgusting)training.
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